; ; To follow the standard interrupt sharing scheme, MSSTACK.ASM ;3.30 ; has been modified. This initialization routine also has to ;3.30 ; be modified because for the interrupt level 7 and 15, FirstFlag ;3.30 ; should be set to signal that this interrupt handler is the ;3.30 ; first handler hooked to this interrupt vector. ;3.30 ; We determine this by looking at the instruction pointed by ;3.30 ; this vector. If it is IRET, then this handler should be the ;3.30 ; first one. In our case, only the interrupt vector 77h is the ;3.30 ; interrupt level 15. (We don't hook interrupt level 7.) ;3.30 ; 9/10/1986 ;3.30 ; The followings are mainly due to M.R.Turner; PTM fix of P886 12/3/86 ;3.30 ; Some design changes are needed to the above interrupt sharing ;3.30 ; method. The above sharing scheme assumes that 1). Interrupt ;3.30 ; sharing is NEVER done on levels that have BIOS support. 2). "Phantom" ;3.30 ; interrupts would only be generated on levels 7 and 15. ;3.30 ; These assumptions are not true any more. We have to use the FirstFlag ;3.30 ; for EVERY level of interrupt. We will set the firstFlag on the following;3.30 ; conditions: ;3.30 ; a. if the CS portion of the vector is 0000, then "first" ;3.30 ; b. else if CS:IP points to valid shared header, then NOT "first" ;3.30 ; c. else if CS:IP points to an IRET, then "first" ;3.30 ; d. else if CS:IP points to DUMMY, then "first" ;3.30 ; where DUMMY is - the CS portion must be F000, and the IP portion must ;3.30 ; be equal to the value at F000:FF01. This location is the initial value ;3.30 ; from VECTOR_TABLE for interrupt 7, one of the preserved addresses in all;3.30 ; the BIOSes for all of the machines. ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ; System design group requests BIOS to handle the phantom interrupts. ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ; The "Phantom" interrupt is an illegal interrupt such as an interrupt ;3.30 ; produced by the bogus adapter card even without interrupt request is ;3.30 ; set. More specifically, 1). The 8259 has a feature when running in ;3.30 ; edge triggered mode to latch a pulse and present the interrupt when ;3.30 ; the processor indicates interrupt acknowledge (INTA). The interrupt ;3.30 ; pulse was exist at the time of INTA to get a "phantom" interrupt. ;3.30 ; 2). or, this is caused by adapter cards placing a glitch on the ;3.30 ; interrupt line. ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ; To handle those "phantom" interrupts, the main stack code will check ;3.30 ; the own FirstFlag, and if it is not "first" (which means the forward ;3.30 ; pointer points to the legal shared interrupt handler), then pass the ;3.30 ; control. If it is the first, then the following action should be ;3.30 ; taken. We don't have to implement skack logic in this case. ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ; To implement this logic, we rather choose a simple method. ;3.30 ; If ont of the above "FirstFlag" conditions is met, we are not ;3.30 ; going to hook this interrupt vector. The reason is if the original ;3.30 ; vector points to "IRET" and do nothing, we don't need ;3.30 ; to implement the stack logic for it. This will simplify implementation;3.30 ; while maintaining compatibility with the old version of DOS. ;3.30 ; This implies that in the main stack code, there might be a stack code ;3.30 ; that will never be used, a dead code. ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ; 12/3/86 ;3.30 ;3.30 ;In - CS, DS -> sysinitseg, ES -> relocated stack code & data. ;3.30 ;3.30 PAGE ;3.30 StackInit proc near ;3.30 ;3.30 PUSH AX ;SAVE ALL ;3.30 PUSH DS ;3.30 PUSH ES ;3.30 PUSH BX ;3.30 PUSH CX ;3.30 PUSH DX ;3.30 PUSH DI ;3.30 PUSH SI ;3.30 PUSH BP ;3.30 ;3.30 ;Currently ES -> stack code area ;3.30 MOV AX, cs:[STACK_COUNT] ;defined in CS ;3.30 MOV es:[STACKCOUNT], AX ;defined in STACK CODE AREA ;3.30 MOV AX, [STACK_SIZE] ;in CS ;3.30 MOV es:[STACKSIZE], AX ; ;3.30 MOV AX, WORD PTR cs:[STACK_ADDR] ; OFFSET ;3.30 MOV WORD PTR es:[STACKS], AX ;3.30 MOV AX, WORD PTR cs:[STACK_ADDR+WORD] ; SEGMENT ;3.30 MOV WORD PTR es:[STACKS+WORD], AX ;3.30 ;3.30 ; INITIALIZE THE DATA FIELDS WITH THE PARAMETERS ;3.30 ;3.30 ; "FIRSTENTRY" WILL ALWAYS BE AT STACKS ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV BP, word ptr es:STACKS ; GET OFFSET OF STACK ;3.30 MOV es:FIRSTENTRY,BP ;3.30 ;3.30 ; THE STACKS WILL ALWAYS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW THE TABLE ENTRIES ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV AX,ENTRYSIZE ;3.30 MOV CX,es:STACKCOUNT ;3.30 MUL CX ;3.30 ADD AX,BP ;3.30 MOV es:STACKAT,AX ;3.30 MOV BX,AX ;3.30 SUB BX,2 ;3.30 ;3.30 ; ZERO THE ENTIRE STACK AREA TO START WITH ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV DI,es:STACKAT ;3.30 MOV AX,es:STACKSIZE ;3.30 MUL CX ;3.30 MOV CX,AX ;3.30 xor ax,ax ;3.30 push es ;3.30 pop ds ;ds = Relocated stack code seg.;3.30 assume ds:nothing ;3.30 ;Now, DS -> stack code area ;3.30 MOV ES, word ptr ds:[STACKS+2] ; GET SEGMENT OF STACK AREA.;3.30 CLD ;3.30 REP STOSB ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV CX, ds:STACKCOUNT ;3.30 ;3.30 ; LOOP FOR "COUNT" TIMES, BUILDING A TABLE ENTRY ;3.30 ; cs = sysinitseg, ds = Relocated stack code seg , es = segment of stack space;3.30 ; CX = NUMBER OF ENTRIES ;3.30 ; ES:BP => BASE OF STACKS - 2 ;3.30 ; ES:BX => FIRST TABLE ENTRY ;3.30 ;3.30 BUILDLOOP: ;3.30 MOV ALLOCBYTE,FREE ;3.30 MOV INTLEVEL,AL ;AX = 0 ;3.30 MOV SAVEDSP,AX ;3.30 MOV SAVEDSS,AX ;3.30 ADD BX,ds:STACKSIZE ;3.30 MOV NEWSP,BX ;3.30 MOV ES:[BX],BP ;3.30 ADD BP,ENTRYSIZE ;3.30 ;3.30 LOOP BUILDLOOP ;3.30 ;3.30 SUB BP,ENTRYSIZE ;3.30 MOV ds:LASTENTRY,BP ;3.30 MOV ds:NEXTENTRY,BP ;3.30 ;3.30 push ds ;3.30 mov ax, 0f000h ;loook at the model byte ;3.30 mov ds, ax ;3.30 cmp ds:byte ptr [0fffeh], 0f9h ;convertible?(P12) ;3.30 pop ds ;3.30 jne Skip_disableNMIS ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV AL,07H ; DISABLE P12 NMIS ;3.30 OUT 72H,AL ;3.30 ;3.30 Skip_disableNMIS: ;3.30 XOR AX,AX ;3.30 MOV es,AX ;es - SEGID OF VECTOR TABLE AT 0;3.30 ASSUME es:NOTHING ;ds - Relocated Stack code segment;3.30 ;3.30 CLI ;3.30 ;3.30 IRP AA,<02,08,09,70> ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV SI,AA&H*4 ;PASS WHERE VECTOR IS TO BE ADJUSTED ;3.30 mov di, offset Int19OLD&AA ;we have to set OLD&AA for Int19 handler too.;3.30 MOV BX,OFFSET OLD&AA ;PASS WHERE TO SAVE ORIGINAL OWNER POINTER;3.30 MOV DX,OFFSET INT&AA ;PASS WHERE NEW HANDLER IS ;3.30 CALL NEW_INIT_LOOP ;ADJUST THE VECTOR TO NEW HANDLER, ;3.30 ; SAVING POINTER TO ORIGINAL OWNER ;3.30 ENDM ;3.30 ;3.30 IRP AA,<0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,72,73,74,76,77> ;shared interrupts ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV SI,AA&H*4 ;PASS WHERE VECTOR IS TO BE ADJUSTED ;3.30 push ds ;save relocated stack code segment ;3.30 lds bx, es:[si] ;ds:bx -> original interrupt handler ;3.30 push ds ;3.30 pop dx ;dx = segment value ;3.30 cmp dx,0 jz int&AA&_first cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],0cfh ;Does vector point to an IRET? jz int&AA&_first cmp word ptr ds:[bx.6],424Bh ;Magic offset (see INT&AA, msstack.inc) jz int&AA&_Not_first cmp dx,0f000h ;ROM BIOS segment jnz int&AA&_Not_first push es push dx mov dx,0f000h mov es,dx cmp bx,word ptr es:0ff01h pop dx pop es jz int&AA&_first int&AA&_Not_first: ;Not the first. We are going to hook vector.;3.30 pop ds ;3.30 mov di, offset Int19OLD&AA ;we have to set OLD&AA for Int19 handler too.;3.30 mov BX, OFFSET OLD&AA ;PASS WHERE TO SAVE ORIGINAL OWNER POINTER;3.30 MOV DX, OFFSET INT&AA ;PASS WHERE NEW HANDLER IS ;3.30 CALL NEW_INIT_LOOP ;ADJUST THE VECTOR TO NEW HANDLER, SAVING;3.30 ;POINTER TO ORIGINAL OWNER. ;3.30 jmp short int&AA&_end ;3.30 int&AA&_first: ;the first. Don't have to hook stack code.;3.30 pop ds ;3.30 int&AA&_end: ;3.30 ;3.30 ENDM ;3.30 ;3.30 push ds ;3.30 mov ax, 0f000h ;loook at the model byte ;3.30 mov ds, ax ;3.30 cmp ds:byte ptr [0fffeh], 0f9h ;convertible?(P12) ;3.30 pop ds ;3.30 jne Skip_EnableNMIS ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV AL,27H ; ENABLE P12 NMIS ;3.30 OUT 72H,AL ;3.30 ;3.30 Skip_EnableNMIS: ;3.30 STI ;3.30 MOV AX,code ;3.30 MOV DS,AX ;3.30 ASSUME DS:CODE ;3.30 ;3.30 ; MOV SI,OFFSET STKMSG1 ;3.30 ; CALL WRMSG ;3.30 ;3.30 mov [INT19SEM],1 ; INDICATE THAT INT 19 ;3.30 ; INITIALIZATION IS COMPLETE ;3.30 ;3.30 POP BP ; RESTORE ALL ;3.30 POP SI ;3.30 POP DI ;3.30 POP DX ;3.30 POP CX ;3.30 POP BX ;3.30 ;3.30 POP ES ;3.30 POP DS ;3.30 assume ds:sysinitseg ;3.30 POP AX ;3.30 RET ;3.30 STACKINIT ENDP ;3.30 ; ;3.30 ;3.30 NEW_INIT_LOOP PROC NEAR ;3.30 ;INPUT: SI=OFSET INTO VECTOR TABLE OF THE PARTICULAR INT VECTOR BEING ADJUSTED ;3.30 ; BX=ds:OFFSET OF OLDxx, WHERE WILL BE SAVED THE POINTER TO ORIGINAL OWNER;3.30 ; DX=ds:OFFSET OF INTxx, THE NEW INTERRUPT HANDLER ;3.30 ; di=offset value of Int19OLD&AA variable in BIOS. ;3.30 ; es=ZERO, SEGID OF VECTOR TABLE ;3.30 ; ds=Relocated Stack code segment ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV AX,es:[SI+0] ;REMEMBER OFFSET IN VECTOR ;3.30 MOV WORD PTR ds:[BX],AX ; TO ORIGINAL OWNER in DS ;3.30 MOV AX,es:[SI+2] ;REMEMBER SEGID IN VECTOR ;3.30 MOV WORD PTR ds:[BX]+2,AX ; TO ORIGINAL OWNER in DS ;3.30 push ds ;3.30 mov ax, code ;3.30 mov ds, ax ;Set Int19OLDxx value in BIOS for ;3.30 mov ax,es:[si+0] ;Int 19 handler ;3.30 mov word ptr ds:[di],ax ;3.30 mov ax,es:[si+2] ;3.30 mov word ptr ds:[di]+2,ax ;3.30 pop ds ;3.30 ;3.30 MOV WORD PTR es:[SI+0],DX ;SET VECTOR TO POINT TO NEW INT HANDLER ;3.30 MOV es:[SI+2],ds ;3.30 RET ;3.30 NEW_INIT_LOOP ENDP ;3.30 ;3.30