Protocol Details
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Protocol Details
DROWN  No, server keys and hostname not seen elsewhere with SSLv2
(1) For a better understanding of this test, please read this longer explanation
(2) Key usage data kindly provided by the Censys network search engine; original DROWN website here
(3) Censys data is only indicative of possible key and certificate reuse; possibly out-of-date and not complete
Secure Renegotiation   Supported
Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation No
Insecure Client-Initiated Renegotiation    No
BEAST attack    Not mitigated server-side (more info)   TLS 1.0: 0xc013
POODLE (SSLv3)   No, SSL 3 not supported (more info)
POODLE (TLS)  No (more info)
Zombie POODLE    No (more info)   TLS 1.2 : 0xc027
GOLDENDOODLE  No (more info)   TLS 1.2 : 0xc027
OpenSSL 0-Length  No (more info)   TLS 1.2 : 0xc027
Sleeping POODLE  No (more info)   TLS 1.2 : 0xc027
Downgrade attack prevention  Yes, TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV supported (more info)
SSL/TLS compression  No
RC4   No
Heartbeat (extension)   Yes
Heartbleed (vulnerability)   No (more info)
Ticketbleed (vulnerability)  No (more info)
OpenSSL CCS vuln. (CVE-2014-0224)   No (more info)
OpenSSL Padding Oracle vuln.
(CVE-2016-2107)    No (more info)
ROBOT (vulnerability)   No (more info)
Forward Secrecy     With modern browsers (more info)
ALPN Yes   h2 http/1.1
NPN   Yes   h2 http/1.1
Session resumption (caching) No (IDs assigned but not accepted)
Session resumption (tickets)   Yes
OCSP stapling   No
Strict Transport Security (HSTS)   No
HSTS Preloading     Not in: Chrome  Edge  Firefox  IE
Public Key Pinning (HPKP)No (more info)
Public Key Pinning Report-Only    No
Public Key Pinning (Static) No (more info)
Long handshake intolerance   No
TLS extension intolerance  No
TLS version intoleranceNo
Incorrect SNI alerts  No
Uses common DH primes  No, DHE suites not supported
DH public server param (Ys) reuse    No, DHE suites not supported
ECDH public server param reuse No
Supported Named Groups secp256r1, secp521r1, secp384r1, secp256k1 (server preferred order)
SSL 2 handshake compatibility     Yes